Provisional Agenda for Rhodes

WG1 Provisional Agenda

Rhodes October 2010

  1. Welcome and summary of activities since York
  2. Summary presentation nation by nation of examples of finds and sites (each nation will need to decide who is responsible to provide this information)
  3. Nation by nation estimates on total number of finds and sites
  4. Bibliography (Jonathan Benjamin)
  5. Isotopic evidence
  6. Inland indicators of coastal activity
  7. Group composition and communication
  8. Any other business

For the meeting I hope to be able to present a short video from a recent inspection of the submerged Tybrind Vig settlement. It can for instance function as an introduction to:
* site identification,
* gytjja deposits with artefacts and look-a-likes,
* erosion subsequent to eel-grass death

Anders Fischer

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