
The SPLASHCOS Action will involve at least two open conferences – a conference with the North Sea offshore industry (which took place in Esbjerg, Denmark, March 2013) and a major conference at the end of the Action to share results and promote interdisciplinary communication and understanding (University of Szczecin, Poland, 23-27 September 2013). Details of these can be found on the Meetings page.

Further details of these events will be posted when available.

Additional communication about SPLASHCOS will be achieved through project representation at relevant conferences and events. Events of relevance to SPLASHCOS or where SPLASHCOS members have been or will be represented include:

SPLASHCOS at the 18th INQUA Congress

At the INQUA conference in Bern, Switzerland (2011, 21-27 July), session 50: Drowned landscapes and continental shelves during the last glacial cycles (IGCP526) now has all speakers confirmed, and the date fixed at Monday 25th July.

This is a cross-over session with marine geologists, terrestrial geologists and archaeologists discussing landscape evolution of sites that are now offshore or on buried coastlines. The session is loosely affiliated with SPLASHCOS (through participation of a number of SPLASHCOS members) and officially affiliated with IGCP-526 (Risk, resources and records of continental shelves). It comprises 12 talks, 6 on Europe's drowned landscapes, 6 on continental shelf landscapes of the rest of the world, and a poster session.