Details: Programme | Attendance
The third major meeting of SPLASHCOS took place in Berlin on the 11th and 12th of April. This meeting was dedicated to bringing together members of Working Group 1 and Working Group 2 to develop a better understanding between the archaeological and geoscientific approaches to submerged landscapes. The meeting also included separate sessions of Working Group 1 and Working Group 2, and meetings of the Early Stage Researcher Group, the Deukalion Planning Group and the Management Committee.
Note: the following downloads are available to SPLASHCOS members only. Members will need to log in to view these files.
Presentations are listed below in the order in which they were given at the Berlin meeting. Two videos were also shown at the meeting, one on Havang and the other on Tybrind Vig. We are looking into how to make those available on the web.
From Geoscience to Archaeology
From Archaeology to Geoscience
ESR Session: the Geoscience Perspective
ESR Session: the Archaeological Perspective
Working Group 1 Presentations
Working Group 2 Presentations
Working Group 3 Presentation